Saturday, May 30, 2009

How's your 1st day of the June holidays going? Hmmm... So yea... Those with blog rights should really post more you know... dotz... . . . . . . . . (omg acceleration! and its not constant! OMGWT*BBQ)
Announcements: LA lesson on monday, Physics cancelled.
Any1 wanna study as a group? No one? Zilch? Zero? None? How about LANing? I'm bored...
Like that picture? :D So... Who's going for the Mega concert on Saturday? Its gonna be great concert ya noe. And speaking of concert, I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of myself, to congratulate the Chinese Orchestra for having a great concert which I did not attend. *clap* (juz once) Oh yea, lets wish the scholars for a safe trip back to their home country and to the others who are also going overseas. yea.
Today's random alliteration: Sunflower seeds
Posted by 09V13 at 9:12 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hey people.
I'm just here cos I'm bored.
Hm. What happened today...
Um... We found out what electives we're in.
Haha. Hope y'all are h
appy with yours cos I am so not happy with mine, thanks to a certain someone who just had to be in the same elective.
Anyway. The holidays are coming... So that's good.
Haha. I'll be mugging a lot. And running a lot.
Haha. I might not go for class chalet and I apologise beforehand if I do not show up.
And those people who wanted my notes. Sorry, I don't have any. Go make your own. You have like, 4 weeks. Anyway, Clarissa's finally here. So it's time to do Lit (Option).
Rock on,
Posted by 09V13 at 10:49 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009
Dead Blog?
Omg, there has been tags saying that this blog is
DEAD! OMGWTHBBQThis is bad, I (anonymous) request all those with blog rights to keep this blog alive!!! Anyways... I would request for visitors not to flame or spam the tagboard unless it is funny... hehe
By the way, it is the last week of semester one!!! Yay, we are free to mug anywhere we want to! (as some of you would say...) Yea, because it is the last week of semester 1, please remember to have tea with your T42 tutors ('Tea for two' right?). ALSO, remember to pay up for the class chalet ($20) and feel free to donate more if you are rich/too many coins in your pocket. Oh yea, if you think this post is random and stupid, please feel free to request for this post to be taken down if possible...
From Anon
P.S. On June 6 (Sat, 7.30pm), there would be a MEGA concert which would feature many VJC performers and its ONLY $25 so feel free to pay up and go for the awesome concert.
Posted by 09V13 at 8:10 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Class Tee.
Hey people.
Y'all will be very glad to know that I FINALLY finished the class tee shit. Sorry it took so long. Haha. But you try crapping out nonsense till your hand feels like it's gonna fall off. Anyway. So here it is.

Hope it's alright, cos I'm SO not doing another one.
Rock on
PS. What's on the front of the tee?
Posted by 09V13 at 5:41 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ehh, yo peeps.
Just to let you all know, the chalet at ARANDA has been booked for
18th and 19th June, so mark those dates down in your calenders okay! :D
Reminder to bring
$20 bucks tomorrow (even if you decide now that you're not going) to cover the basic cost of the chalet. Note that it doesn't already settle the food issue, so yeah. That's not so much of a concern at the moment, but JUST BRING YOUR MONEY TOMORROW. :D (So Tessa won't need to go set your house on fire)
Feel free to pay more than $20 though. We can always use the spare cash for the class fund. :D
Should be all for now, I think, hmm.
Posted by 09V13 at 7:24 PM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Labour Day Outing!
Pictures from Friday! Jealous? Join us next time! :D

Posted by 09V13 at 9:42 PM
Friday, May 1, 2009
Labour Day
Not gonna wish y'all happy Labour Day cos that makes no sense, but how was cycling?
I'm here to say that all of you must, and I mean absolutely MUST, watch Wolverine. Because it is just totally and UNBELIEVABLY awesome. And the storyline is good. And it's wayyy better than the other 3 X-Men movies although it's a prequel. Yupp. And Wolverine is super cool, as in the character. Plus Hugh Jackman is like, damn hot. Haha. Yupp. So go watch it okay? I swear you will LOVE it. Haha. Alright. So enjoy the rest of the weekend people.
Rock on,
Posted by 09V13 at 8:19 PM